Debarking and chipping
of wooden logs


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Multipurpose debarker is designed for operation of chipping. This machine can be used as the debarking of soft and hard wood, large and small diameters too. The equipment fast enough debark material of small diameter and has enough power for debarking large diameter material.

The system of spiral debarking rotates and pushes the material around debarking head fitted the debark hard metal segments. This system allows the variable setting of the optimum speed for debarking and use the full capacity of the machine in all conditions.

For example, it is possible to cut the buttress roots and other inequalities on debarked trunk, accelerate the use of material with small diameter, etc.

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Plant layout of debarker :



The central section, complete with debarking mechanism, debarking head and locking of debarking table (debarking table allows you to copy inequality of trunk or mill this one to “equal”).

The central section of debarker is designed for debarking materials in diameter range152 mm to 1219 mm.


Feeding of material 


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We supply stationary and mobile versions of industrial wood chipper from a compact drum chipper with a maximum input diameter of material up to 45 cm and ending disc chipper with a diameter of input material up to 76 cm. With modifications to the production microchips or eg chips G 50, etc.


Disc chipper




Drum chipper 

Proven, gradually arranged, blade holders with hard metal finish 

Feeding system

Aggressive movable floor and a large feed roller

Bark grinder

Crushing of debarked, or other wood material

buben podavac drtic